Essential Summer Accounting Tips for Small Business Owners

Summer can be a crucial time for small business owners - ahem, farmers and ranchers - to manage their books. A few key steps:

  1. Review Financial Statements: Make time to review your financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Really look into them. Does something seem … off? Is something unaccounted for? This review will help you understand your current financial position and make informed decisions for the rest of the year.

  2. Reconcile Accounts: Ensure your bank statements and accounting records are aligned. Reconciling your accounts helps identify any discrepancies and maintain accurate financial records. Imagine for a moment that instead of trying to remember something that happened in January in December, you track it down now. Your future self will be so grateful!

  3. Plan for Taxes: Summer is a good time to start planning for year-end taxes. Review your tax obligations, set aside funds for tax payments, and consider making estimated tax payments if necessary.

  4. Update Budget and Forecasts: Revisit your budget and financial forecasts for the year and make adjustments based on current performance and any changes within your operation.

  5. Evaluate Expenses: Analyze your expenses and identify any unnecessary or excessive spending. Look for areas where you can cut costs or find more cost-effective alternatives.

  6. Organize Financial Records: Keep your financial records organized and up to date. This includes invoices, receipts, and other financial documents. An organized system will make it easier to track expenses and prepare for tax season. Again, your future self is grateful.

  7. Consult with an Accountant: Consider meeting with an accountant or financial advisor to review your financial situation. They can help you identify potential issues and provide guidance on improving your financial health.

Holly Haralson

Holly is a pharmacist with more than a decade of experience ensuring accuracy in medication review and dispensing, along with complex medication therapy management. She pairs those skills with a passion for her family’s Texas farming and ranching operation. Holly is absolutely the person you want as an extension of your team, and it’s fair to say she is one of the reasons Jonathon is able to devote his time to serving his clients. She keeps things running smoothly.

As the Grandview Farms bookkeeper, office manager, and all around entrepreneurial maven, Holly discovered her passion for solving financial puzzles and uses that skill to help bring financial best practices and sometimes a little order to the chaos in the books and offices of Empire Ag Clients.

Keep Taxes in Mind this Summer: Essential Tips for Farmers and Ranchers


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