Maximizing Profitability: How to Analyze Your Farm's Financial Health
Ensuring the financial health of your farm or ranch is essential for long-term success and sustainability. By regularly analyzing key financial metrics and implementing strategic management practices, you can optimize profitability and secure the future of your operation.

Mastering Mail Management: A Foolproof Guide to Organizing Your Bookkeeping Documents
Discover the secrets to stress-free bookkeeping as we unveil a comprehensive guide on how to efficiently organize and manage your mail, ensuring that your important financial documents are always at your fingertips.

Your Chart of Accounts May Not Be Sexy, But it is Critical
A well-maintained Chart of Accounts is essential for accurate financial recording, efficient reporting, regulatory compliance, and informed decision-making within a business.

What is Algorithmic Trading?
With algorithmic trading, computer programs take into account variables, such as time, price, and volume, and attempt to leverage the speed and computational resources of computers to your advantage, relative to the speed in which a human trader can operate.

Grain: Sell Now or Hold?
What a roller coaster of emotion this brought when it comes to marketing grain. I’ve been inundated the question “should I sell or hold my corn or soybeans until next year?” Let's dive into the facts and take the emotions out of this decision.

Fuel: Buy Now or Wait?
We’re inundated with the “he said, she said, heard from my uncle's friend” a late summer, early fall diesel shortage is imminent. As a farmer/rancher, what should you prepare for higher prices or lack of availability?