115: Making hard decisions

On today’s solo episode Jonathon discusses making hard decisions in your business. A big one right now in this current market is equipment. We would like to think that we could buy low and and sell high, but that’s not always the case so then we are left to make a hard decision. There are times when we need to think outside the box and come up with innovative ways to do what works best for our operation. It is important to try and keep emotion out of business decisions like these and see what would be the most profitable for you.

Jonathon Haralson

Jonathon Haralson, a sixth generation farmer by heritage, and he started farming his own operation from scratch in 2009.

Growing up, Jonathon’s family raised cattle, wheat, hay, and grew pecans. He grew up, alongside his brother, watching his Grandfather and Dad work from sun-up to sun-down on the family farm and grow yard. As time passed by, the market volatility became greater and the banking stress became greater, and Jonathon witnessed the fall of his family’s farming operation when he was just a child. He saw his dreams of continuing to build his family’s farming empire disappear as he watched his family’s equity and land auctioned off piece by piece. It’s something Jonathon never wanted to see happen to another family.

By the grace of God, Jonathon now educates farmers and ranchers about commodities, so they can spend more time out in the field and with their families.


116 Find the joy


114: Knowing your Markets